Monthly Archives: September 2013

Leaving Leeds

It’s cloudy outside, and I’m procrastinating. I have work to do, loose ends to tie up, plans to make and do, and I need to get ready for a twilight shift in A&E. My other half and I are leaving Leeds in about a month’s time, and we’re heading to Blantyre, Malawi to volunteer for 7 months in the paediatric department of the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital. I suspect our experiences will be similar to my friend,  Sarah’s experiences in Lilongwe. She’s out there now and lucky to be getting a handle on things before the rainy season.

I finished my Foundation Programme in 2012 and signed up to do the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. It was great, and highly recommended for anyone planning on working in a resource-limited setting. Here’s hoping I remember enough to get through malaria season. It’s not going to be a fancy holiday and expat life in Africa I don’t think. This is going to be tough.


Now for some grub before shower and Lycra, for the cycle in to work. Ta ra for now.